
Thursday, June 15th, 2023, (Fifth Reiwa).

  Last July, I wrote a short article titled "What Man Needs: Science (Interest), Religion (Goodness), and Art (Beauty)," and I briefly explained the following points: Science must be for the benefit of humanity. Therefore, "nuclear weaponization" cannot be the subject of research. Religion should be the standard of right and wrong. Therefore, there can be no religion that affirms warfare (murderousness). Art should provide people with a glimpse into the depths of the world (universe) in which they live and the state of their own lives. Despite all the suffering in their lifetime, it should give them motivation to live (Japanese).
 Civilization grows through confronting and responding to the challenges of trials. Life is no different. We face challenges that frequently assail us, and we must rise to the occasion, confront them, and overcome them. By achieving victory, we shape our lives. Through this process, individuals become stronger, and that resilient strength becomes an essential force and an effective weapon for facing the next trial.
  My driving force to win that constant battle is always chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo to the Gohonzon every day and every time, as I mentioned last month.  

Posted by 60papa80 at 19:40Comments(0)TrackBack(0)近況


Tuesday, May 9 Reiwa 5 (2023).

 Drafting a speech for my daughters and their families on my 72nd birthday.
  Last year, do you remember talking about my epitaph? I remember watching the movie "Back to the Future" and seeing the letters on the tombstone disappear, which made me want to think about my own epitaph. The date on my epitaph was actually July 24th, 2023, and it has become a true dream. I died in January of this year, marking my third death in life.
 Just like a famous general once said "I shall return," I too would like to say that I have returned to meet you all with eternal love. I should mention that I have come back to this world four times due to unknown forces of the universe.
Therefore, I believe that I should tell you everything I know about these unknown forces of the universe. The driving force of my life was chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo to the Gohonzon every day and every time.
 If we do not harbor doubts in our hearts, we will as a matter of course attain Buddhahood" (p283, The Opening of the Eyes).  

Posted by 60papa80 at 21:01Comments(0)TrackBack(0)近況


Monday, January 23 2023. 令和五年睦月

 こんばんは(日の出:6時55分、日の入り:17時10分)、昨日の最高気温9.7℃&最低気温ー0.6℃、日照時間8.3時間だった。今まさに(水曜日がピーク)10年に一度の「大寒波」らしい。 11月の平均最高気温19.7℃&平均最低気温10.4℃で、降水量は合計で114.0mmだった。12月の平均最高気温11.0℃&平均最低気温3.0℃で、降水量は合計で25.0mmだった。
 昨年末に買った雑誌と本は、下から第三文明2023年1月号、現代思想 2022年12月臨時増刊号、河出書房新社編集部編「中井久夫 増補新版(KAWADE夢ムック)」、潮2023年1月号、創価学会男子部教学室編「御書をひもとく: 要文123選 改訂版 (第三文明社)」、ヘンリー・ジー著、竹内薫訳「超圧縮 地球生物全史(ダイヤモンド社)」、聖教新聞社会部編「ブラボーわが人生 3(第三文明社)」、池田大作著「新版 法華経 方便品・自我偈講義(聖教新聞社出版局)」、日蓮大聖人御書全集 新版 刊行委員会編「日蓮大聖人御書全集 新版 分冊 第2巻(聖教新聞社出版局)」、安部龍太郎、佐藤優著「対決!日本史3 維新から日清戦争篇(潮新書)」、聖教新聞報道局編「21世紀の創価学会論 識者が見た未来への希望(潮新書)」だ。
 最近買った雑誌と本は、下から聖教新聞社著「WORLD SEIKYO vol.3(聖教新聞社出版局)」、公益財団法人サントリー文化財団・アス テイオン編集委員会編「アステイオン97(CCCメディアハウ ス)」、潮2023年2月号、文藝春秋オピニオン 2023年の論点100(文春ムック)、ユヴァル・ノア・ハラリ、リカル・ザプラナ・ルイズ著、西田美緒子訳「人類の物語 Unstoppable Us ヒトはこうして地球の支配者になった(河出書房新社)」、公益財団法人 東洋哲学研究所編「日蓮の心(第三文明社)」、篠田謙一著『人類の起源-古代DNAが語るホモ・サピエンスの「大いなる旅」(中公新書)』、小泉悠著「ウクライナ戦争(ちくま新書)」だ。  

Posted by 60papa80 at 18:24Comments(0)TrackBack(0)近況