
Monday Septenber 4th, 2023, (Fifth Reiwa).

 The buddhability.org posted the podcast "What does Buddhism say about dealing with grief? (EPISODE 120)” on August 25. It happened to be my father’s birthday, who passed away twelve years ago, but it doesn't hold any particular significance.
 My wife passed away in January. I grieved deeply due to this loss until April. However, as a practicing Buddhist, I firmly believe that she has already been reborn into this world. This belief is rooted in the philosophy of "Life and Death Are One (Episode posted on May 10, 2021)”, which is also known as transmigration in Buddhism.
 All trains on the Takayama Line (from Gifu to Toyama) were replaced with the new HC85 model (Link in Japanese) after March of this year, featuring a hybrid (engine+motor+battery) drive (Link in Japanese). Thus, I had the opportunity to board the "HIDA (HC85)" express train in August. In essence, I embarked on a rail journey to the spa with my daughter's family, totalling about twenty people.
 I attended the MIN-ON concert titled "Jasmine Choi's Flute Recital (Link in Japanese) ," where she performed alongside pianist Toshiki Usui. She (Jasmine Choi) shared a photo of the event on social media, and I happened to be in the photo. It was my first experience attending a flute solo concert. I was amazed by how beautiful the sound of her flute was, as I had only ever heard the sound of the flute on a vinyl record of Rampal's performance a long time ago.

 The events in August were ordinary as mentioned above, but these brought some pleasure and peaceful minds for me. So I thank this world.

