Saturday, 29 August, 2020. 令和二年葉月
おはようございます(日の出:5時22分、日の入り:18時22分)、昨日の最高気温33.2℃&最低気温27.5℃、日照時間:5.6時間 、降水量:3.0mmだった。
COVID-19の感染者数は2455.1万、死者数:83.3万人らしい(NHK、29 August, 5時現在)。
There is the principle of changing poison into medicine in Lotus Sutra as all of you know. Moreover, there is "Winter always turns to spring" in NIchiren's quotes, because someone continues to change that and to accomplish happy, including me. Certainly I am happy now even at the era with Corona. In addition, such is aphorism, "Continuation is power" in words of wisdom by Daisaku Ikeada.
COVID-19の感染者数は2455.1万、死者数:83.3万人らしい(NHK、29 August, 5時現在)。
There is the principle of changing poison into medicine in Lotus Sutra as all of you know. Moreover, there is "Winter always turns to spring" in NIchiren's quotes, because someone continues to change that and to accomplish happy, including me. Certainly I am happy now even at the era with Corona. In addition, such is aphorism, "Continuation is power" in words of wisdom by Daisaku Ikeada.