
Freiday December 13th, 2023, (Fifth Reiwa)

 On December 10th, I attended the Indian dance musical “Mumbai☆Star,” an original production by Min-On and supported by the Embassy of India Tokyo.

 When I was a teenager, I met Daisaku Ikeda Sensei at a summer course held for the student section around 1970, shortly after I joined the Soka Gakkai.
 At the event during the summer course, Ikeda Sensei handed something to each member, saying to them, "It's hot, so here, have something cold to eat." Many students gathered around Sensei, moving slowly in a whirlpool around Ikeda Sensei. When that vortex (Ikeda Sensei) came close to me, I extended my hand to try to make my way through the crowd. I felt something in my hand and squeezed it.
 When the whirlpool (the group around Sensei) moved away, I was finally able to pull my arm out of the crowd. I then opened my palm and found a thin piece of plastic (see photo). It was, of course, a ticket to buy shaved ice. I ate the shaved ice but paid for it using cash from my wallet instead of using the ticket.
 In this way, the yellow square piece of plastic has remained with me and has been my treasure (thus I can't lose it absolutely). I keep it close to me wherever I go.  

Posted by 60papa80 at 06:30Comments(0)TrackBack(0)近況