
Monday January 22nd, 2024 (6th Reiwa)

 At the end of last year, I went on a family vacation to Kanzan-ji Onsen, although it took two days and one night (since it was difficult for all of the fewer than 20 of us to attend). The photo on the left is of the Ferris wheel at the amusement park just after sunrise (7 am).
 I take to heart the sentence, “... Though the water is the same, it appears differently according to one’s karmic reward from the past.…” from Nichiren's writings known as the Gosho (Reply to the Lay Priest Soya, 1275).
 So, I always need to recognize that what I see is not the whole picture. At the same time, even if we appear to be looking at the same thing, others may not always see it the same way I do. This is the ordinary way of thinking for me.

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